Monday, March 18, 2013

Theme Analysis

In last week's blog response, I asked you to select a theme that "hit home" with you the most.  Now that you have set your sights on a theme you would most like work with some more, it is time to test your skills of analysis.  Scan through the last chapter (6) in Of Mice and Men and see if you can pull out a moment from the text that, upon close reading, says something about your selected theme.

        Chapter 6 was a very sad and emotional chapter. It was a very confusing chapter as well, in the sense of themes. For last weeks prompt I had chosen the theme of Friendship. I explained how Lennie and George's relationship was very special in their lives, and how they needed each other for many reasons. I explained how they were both very close and they have been together for a while. "George shook himself again. No, he said. I want you to stay with me here" (104). I chose this quote to show that George and Lennie are always gonna be together. They had a long journey in their lives together, but there are some risks needed to be taken. Lennie had told George that if he didn't want Lennie to be around, he could go off on by himself and live in a cage. But with the knowledge that George had, he knew that Lennie would never go off, and he wouldn't allow him to do that either; there was a responsibility. George could've said anything back to Lennie telling him how he couldn't live without him, but he chose to comfort Lennie in his time of despair. George understood that Lennie was to much trouble to handle and that it would've been better  to just finish his life and not allow him to suffer all the pain he would've suffered staying alive. Though Lennie had to be taken away, George and Lennie would always be together in spirit and in heart.  

The Dream

Monday, March 11, 2013

Novel Reaction: Thinking Forward

What topic or theme that we have touched on during this unit has "hit home" with you the most?  Which theme or topic has a personal connection for you?  Which did you find most captivating or interesting to discuss and investigate during this unit?  Select a topic/theme from the list above that peaks your interest, and, in this week's blog response, discuss why you find it fascinating, which moment in the story you think about when reflecting on this theme, and how this theme is relevant in today's world.

        While reading the book "Of Mice and Men," many themes were discussed in our daily language arts classes. The book was filled with many life lessons that give us an advantage to follow.  One of the themes that stuck out at me, while reading, was Friendship. This topic can bring a lot to memories and touch someones life. Friends are needed in life or we, as humans, could go crazy... Literally! Friends provide the support that our parents or any other person could provide to us. In the book Lennie and George had a very special friendship, they weren't family but they stuck together like brothers, whether it was for good or bad. Yes, George made a promise to Lennie's Aunt, that he would take care of her nephew, but that grew a beautiful friendship. They both depended on each other like we depend on nature and nature depends on us. George couldn't possibly get the jobs that he does if it weren't for Lennie and his giant figure. And Lennie couldn't possibly live without George's accompany. This theme caught my attention more than the others because, it showed that life cannot go on without the support of friends, they make up a big part of our lives. This theme effects me the most because I have experienced a time without friends, and a time where I was alone, and I learned that there was nothing like friends. At the end of the story, George shows that he had to make a tough decision, but it ended up being for the best of Lennie, he couldn't possibly live any longer without struggle and pain. George stayed faithful to Lennie until the end of his life, he told all the stories that Lennie wanted him to and he stuck up for him in every bad situation. Though George took advantage of Lennie, and Lennie disobeyed George they stuck together and they knew their limits, they knew that they were the closest thing to family and that nothing should ever separate their being together.  

>>>>>>Friendship Poem<<<<<<<

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Chapter 6 Notes

     The part I notice in this chapter was the fact that the author decided to end the story somewhat similar to the beginning of the story. The story begins with Lennie and George by the bush, and they are both talking about the day they would be able to live on their own farm and not have to worry about debts and belonging to anyone. "Lennie said, Tell how its gonna be George" (105). The whole book begins with the fact that Lennie wanted to be told about their dreams in the future. I believe this was a great way to end the book, and I dont think anyone should change a thing. It gave more meaning and more feeling to that moment, it made me, as a reader, realize that Lennie wasn't going to make it in the world with the condition he was living in. Lennie's fate was to die, though it was going to be tradgic, it was going to change George's life forever maybe in good ways and maybe in bad ones.

       After reading this last chapter, and reading the details on how George killed Lennie, I believe that George is going to have a harder life without his old partner. For years, Lennie and George have been together, through bad and good, they were like brothers, nothing could seperate them. But now that George killed Lennie, I think that George is going to have a really hard time getting back on his feet, and to forget about his partner. I believe his life is going to be filled with guilt. In the beginning of the book it explains that George had promised Aunt Clara to take care of her nephew, and now he is going to have to live with the fact that instead of protecting him he had broken the promise and killed him. Though George may struggle badly, I know he would be okay with his actions because he did them for good.

       Now that Lennie has unfortunatley died, I wonder what is going to happen back at the ranch. So many things have changed since that one afternoon. Do you think that George will get punished for Lennie's wrong doing? Do you think that George will move ranches and actually get the little house with old Candy? All these questions pop to my head when i think about George's future. Do you think that George will become someone higher in the job now that he's got Lennie out of the way?

Chapter 5 Notes

     In chapter 5, a lot of things occured. The chapter starts with the setting where Lennie is cautiously sitting in the barn, upset because he had killed his new pup. Then it comes to a point where Curley's wife enters the same room as Lennie. With the understanding that George didn't want Lennie to talk or get close to her, Lennie kindly warns her that George doesn't want him doing anything with her. But with the ignorance that Curley's wife has, she doesnt pay attention to the fact that Lennie is not mentally stable, and that he is dangerous. Later on in the conversation, Lennie and Curley's wife start getting closer to eachother, and they start talking about soft things. When Curley's wife gets to a really comfortable stage around Lennie, she invites him to stroke her hair, to show how soft it was. When Lennie strokes it, it's as if he went into sudden shock and he strokes her harder and harder until he unfortunatley kills her by snapping her neck. When all the men of the farm find out they set out a hunt to kill Lennie, which is of course led by curley, but Lennie remembered to what George had said and he set out for the bush.

       What impacted me the most in this chapter was the fact that Lennie was so concience about Georges rules, and how he understood that if George found out he would probably let hell on him. "Oh! Please don't do that. George'll be mad," (91). Even though Lennie might not be so concience about what he is supposed to do, adn what he is expected to do, he clearly understands George and how to respect his wishes. Lennie had great fear of what George might do to him, if he found out what he had done. But he was mostly scared that George wouldn't let him tend to the rabbits in his new barn, that they were gonna own in the future.

       Through reading this chapter I only had one thing in my head, and that was "Why would George ever leave Lennie alone, knowing he was dangerous?" I honestly believe that some of the bad occurences that happened in this chapter were caused because George had left Lennie; with the faith that Lennie wouldn't do anything wrong. In the story it specifically explains that George knew that Lennie was'nt to be trusted. I don't understand that fact that George would loose sight of his own "family" knowing the condition he's in, and just leave him there on his own with this old man. I believe that George should've had more caution with Lennie knowing that he was not to be left alone.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

A Portrait of Racism

Chapter 4 in Of Mice and Man, paints a very realistic portrait of racism in the 1930s.  Discuss at least two ways in which racism is explored in this chapter.  Include quotes and your own analysis of key moments in this chapter that clearly demonstrate the racism that existed in the American 1930s.  What do readers understand about racism as a result of reading this chapter?

    In chapter 4 racism is shown clearly with the characters that are in the book. One way racism could be shown in this chapter was when Lennie showed up in Crooks room, and he realized that Crooks had his own room, and that he had many things in it as well. "You got no right to come in my room" (68). Because Crooks is the only colored man in the job, he has his own room separated from the other workers. From the text above, Lennie shows up in Crook's room and Crooks doesn't understand why he would want to come in; knowing that they are not allowed to interact. Crooks has his own room and he doesn't work with any one else. He doesn't have the same rights as all the other white workers. Lennie obviously, doesn't know the racism concept because he doesn't see any wrong in going to visit a colored man. Also, racism is shown through the language that is used toward the different colored workers that are in the farm. "Well, you keep your place then, Nigger. I could get you strung up on a tree so easy it ain't even funny" (81). Here in the quote above it shows how white people take advantage of colored people and how they are treated. The other white men in the farm are not spoken to in that matter. It is very easy for the higher class to look at colored people so low. Curley's wife here threatens Crooks to not open his mouth because he is so low in the ranks, she  could get him tossed out so easily, which makes Crooks realize how little power he has over his self.
      As a result in reading this chapter, readers could see that racism was very common in the old times. In the 1930's colored people didn't really have the privilage of being with other people and working together, they had to work separate, and they were lucky if they got to work with another colored person together. In the chapter, we had realized that Crooks, a colored black man, had stayed on his own, in his own room, and no one to share a conversation with. There wasn't really segregation, but at that point in time Blacks and Whites were still separated, and the colored were treated unfairly. Coming into the 1930's I believe that racism calmed down a little bit. I believe that it has fairly improved from the other times where blacks were really hurt and damaged. Life still was very unfair and poor for the colored but they have come a long way, and we know that one day everyone would have the same exact rights to desire "The American Dream."

Racial Segragation and The Great Depression


Monday, March 4, 2013

Chapter 4 Blog Notes

        The thing that impacted me the most in this chapter was the defense Lennie had on his "american dream." Lennie's american dream is to live in a house with George and have all kinds of different animals, and especially rabbits. When Crooks begins to tell Lennie that he has no chance in getting that dream to come true, Lennie begins to get angry and fustrated with him and begins to defend the dream. With all the doubt that was in the atmosphere at that time, Lennie conforts himself with the fact that George will come through with the promise, adn that it will come true no matter what happened. I belice because the author decided to put this part in the book, it really shows the innocence in Lennie and how he would not be able to live with doubt. I think it shows alot about the character that Lennie has and the effects that the disability is bringing to his life as an individual.

      In the story so far I believe everything is going well for Lennie and George. They met good friends who will help them and they have a place to stay, eat, and accomodate themselves. There is this one part that I believe makes a difference in the book, and that is the part in the book where Curley's wife always ends up where Lennie is. Ever since Lennie and George showed up to the barn the other workers warned them not to get involved with her. Though a warning was told, it hasnt stopped Lennie from thinking she is pretty, and she brings his attention to herself. Lennie doesn't know any better so if George were to leave Lennie unattended, and Curley's wife showed up, Lennie would be in a lot of trouble. With the incident that occured in their old job, it wouldn't be a good thing to leave Lennie alone. But i believe that something will happen where Lennie is going to end up alone with Curley's wife and something will happen, something that will change the fate of their lives forever.

        I wonder if Curley's wife has the fault of flirting with other men while she is married to Curley. Today we spoke in class about the "american dream" and i realized that maybe Curley's wife doesn't have the fault to be called a tramp. Does Curley's wife feel like she is to be forced to stay in the marriage with Curley. In the 1930's women didnt really have any rights for anything, some of them were even forced to marry men that they didnt want to marry, just for the land and the wealth. I see Curley's wife as a woman who desires to be free and date whoever she wants while having land and a good life. I dont really see her as someone who is bad, a character who is at fault. I mean it was pretty hard to find a job and to have a wealthy life as a single woman, so I can sort of put myself on her side. I understand her conditions and I appreciate her as a woman because she is a strong woman, some one who knows what she's doing. But does Curley ever have doubts of her as his wife? Doesn't he have a mind to see past her play?

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Chapter 3 Notes

     What impacted me the most in this whole chapter was on page 39 when Slim and George are talking with each other, and Slim mentions that Lennie is not bright at all but he could work. It impacted me because it should that even though Lennie may not be bright or smart he sure does know how to do what he is supposed to. I believe that because Lennie works so well he can get more in life than George can. All Lennie has to do is be told what to, and he could do an outstanding job. Compared to Lennie, George is a very small man who only seems to have sense. Later on in the page George doensn't consider himself as smart as everybody thinks he is. He says that if he was so smart he would have his own house, job, and family if he was so smart. I think that Lennie and George can't live without each other because what one has the other one lacks. Its almost as if George was only considered smart next to his partner, Lennie. I think this relationship that Lennie and George have affects the way their lives will develope later. Without each other there really isn't a story to be told and it is a good way to show a loyalty of friends.

       In the chapter, it explains why Lennie and George had started their trip and had to find a new job. But I was wondering about a few parts in the story that might change everything. It says that Lennie was accused of  "raping" a woman who he had been working with. He had just wanted to touch the dress and it ended up that he had gotten scared and couldn't let go of the dress, getting Lennie in a lot of trouble. It also states that the authorities had sent out a group to find Lennie and lynch (catch) him. But I am wondering is that why they ended up moving jobs? Can't the party team find Lennie and arrest both him and George for running away? Does Lennie ever think that he might have ruined everything for George, know that he has to take care of him? These things confuse me and hopefully they are answered later in the future. I dont really understand why Lennie couldn't let go of the dress knowing that the woman was screaming because of that.

     With the last event that happened in the chapter, Lennie's life is sure to change. In the last few pages Curley had been fighting with Lennie, but Lennie wasn't doing anything back to Curley. So at last minute Lennie grabs Curley and lifts him up into the air, holding his arm very tight. When George finally tells Lennie to stop it ends up that he really hurt Curley's arm and that he needed to go to the hospital. In the future I dont think that Lennie is going to get fired. I just believe that Lennie is going to get moved into another facility without George. And later on in the story i think that Curley will try to get revenge on Lennie, but not by beating him up. I just think that it's going to be something so big that Lennie will have to run away from that job and hide in the bush; to wait for George.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Chapter 2 Notes

       To sum up everything that happened in this book, Lennie and George end up getting a job as workers who buckle barley. They end up concluding their journey (hicking), and they make it to their job in the early morning. While being assigned to where they will sleep in the house they end up meeting a couple new people that they will have to share their lives with from now on. They meet their boss, the boss's son Curely, his wife, Slim, and a few older men who gave them some insite on what's to expect around. It also seems as if Lennie had already made some enemies with one of the most important people around the job.  George has no hesitation to defend his companion in any way he can, and George warns Lennie about the people they will be working with. The people that work in that area aren't quite pleasant to be around and it makes Lennie uncomfortable. With some doubts to leave George warns Lennie that they have to stay if they want to survive. So with a new day to start a new beginning also starts for these two men.

       In the beginning of the chapter, Lennie and George show up to their new job and they meet their boss's helper. He's an older fella and he explains where George and Lennie will be sleeping and where they will be staying. Along with some explanations George and Lennie begin to ask questions and it brings up the subject about the last "residents" that worked there. The helper has a simple explanation to everything except one. "Why did the last person leave?" This is the question that he couldn't simply answer firmly, and though George and Lennie seemed to have let the subject slide, I just couldn't let it go. Why does the man hide the answers for that question, though he knows the answer to it. What is so bad that he couldn't tell the new workers? He just continued making excuses and tried to make everything else sound better. What is there to hide?

       What impacted me the most in this chapter was the conflict that Curley had with Lennie. Without even knowing Lennie, he begins to hate him just by the site. Then later in the reading when it states that Curley was mad with Lennie simply because he felt intimidated was just hilarious to me. The fact that a small man hates because he is small is amusing in so many ways. It actually reminds me of the older Napolean ruler. He was a very small man so he used different techniques in paintings and power to show that he wasn't that small of a man. But it looks as if Curley's anger for Lennie will get him into big trouble later on in the story.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Naturalism as a Mirror of the 1930's

 Literature is often a reflection of the time period in which it was written or, in the case of historical fiction, of the time period it is focused on.  Authors will often find sneaky little ways to demonstrate the dominant characteristics of the time period by blending in details, that, at a closer glance, reveal these hidden themes.

     In class, we viewed several videos (in the LitByFleming blog video bar) that gave us a look at some major events and common themes or characteristics of the 1930s.  John Steinbeck certainly considered these elements when writing Of Mice and Men.  In fact, it might be said, his writing style intentionally made use of naturalism in order to capture and expose some of the attitudes and characteristics of the American 1930s.

     Let's see if you can make the connection!  Think about some of  the naturalistic elements we identified in class (Chapter 1).  What aspects or characteristics of the 1930s are being demonstrated to us at those moments in the text?  What do you believe John Steinbeck was trying to show us or expose about the way people, life, or society was during this time in American history? 

        In chapter one of Mice and Men, the text demonstrated different characteristics that we humans have to take sometimes in our life. In the chapter Lennie and George are both walking down a path and they end up needing to stop and rest for the night in the middle of the wild. When Lennie and George finally stop, Lennie finds this pool of water (dirty) and he begins to drink from it as if he was an animal in need of some water. On page 3, it describes Lennie's reaction to finding the big pool of water; "His huge companion dropped his blankets and flung himself down and drank from the surface of the green pool; drank with long gulps, snorting into the water like a horse." In the particular text above it shows that Lennie's animal instincts took over and he drank like a wild animal. In the text it demonstrated that in the 1930's it was a time where there was no technology or no advancements, and everything had to happen naturally. Life was dry and hard for those who traveled miles and looked for jobs, and it sometimes brought out the animal in everyone.

       John Steinbeck was probably trying to demostrate that life in past american history was not easy at all. He was trying to demonstrate that life was no golden ticket just handed to you, you had to work and show that you were capable of holding up a job. Now a days we have technology and advanced objects that help us everyday such as: cars, bus's, phones... etc. It would be interesting to take the people from today and replace them with people from the 1930's, and experiment to see if it would be different for them than living here today in 2013. American History in the 1930's definatly was something different than today, we have been blessed to have the ancestors who went through the pain of living during those times to brighten our future.

Jobs In The 1920's

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Chapter 1 notes

       While reading through this story I realized one of the most important themes in life, "Be loyal to the ones you love." In the story Lennie and George have this very nice relationship as friends. Without eachother they wouldnt be able to survive where they are now. Lennie and George sometimes dont get along and they fight alot but all in all they come together as brothers and work through it. When George starts to insult Lennie about how he behaves Lennie begins to take offense to what he is saying and starts to threaten him to leave. When George finally realizes what he is saying he starts to say sorry and that he shouldnt think about leaving because they could not go on without each other. George takes responsibility for Lennie like if he was his older brother and sometimes he doesnt really understand how different Lennie can be from other people. But through everything they both end up coming back together as a family, and comfort each other once again.

       Seeing the relationship that George and Lennie have with each other it reminds me of the relationship my sister and I have. I can't live without her, she is the only sister I have. Sometimes we can both me mean to each other and say some things that we could regret in the future, but that all has to do with being responsible for a sister, brother, friend, companion. In the chapter, it's shown that Lennie and George are alone and all they have is each other, no one else, so they had to cooperate with themselves. Me and my sister have that kind of relationship, we are not that close, but when we are in trouble, I have no doubt that my sister wont be there for me.

       In the chapter one Lennie and George, 2 men, are together trying to look for a job and they end up high in the mountains , some place bare. The way the chapter tells the story about the men, it looks like they are very close. But the only problem is that the story doesnt say if Lennie and George were related in anyway; such as brothers, cousins, or just close friends. I think this matters because it could change the way they behave with each other in the woods, and it could change the outcome of the story in general. The story makes the characters seem really close, because George doesn't see Lennie as anything else but his responsibility.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Picturing the History Behind Mice and Men

For a moment the place was lifeless, and then two men emerged from the path and came into the opening by the green pool.
     They had walked in single file down the path, and even in the open one stayed behind the other. Both were dressed in denim trousers and in denim coats with brass buttons. Both wore black, shapeless hats and both carried tight blanket rolls slung over their shoulders. The first man was small and quick, dark of face, with restless eyes and sharp, strong features. Every part of him was defined: small, strong hands, slender arms, a thin and bony nose. Behind him walked his opposite, a huge man, shapeless of face, with large, pale eyes, with wide, sloping shoulders; and he walked heavily, dragging his feet a little, the way a bear drags his paws. His arms did not swing at his sides, but hung loosely.

     The first man stopped short in the clearing, and the follower nearly ran over him. He took off his hat and wiped the sweat-band with his forefinger and snapped the moisture off. His huge companion dropped his blankets and flung himself. (1.2-4)

Sound familiar? Kind of like the pictures, right? In writing, compare and contrast this opening section from Of Mice and Men to the pictures you analyzed in class. What does the text and the photographs show us about the 1930s?  Be specific!

The introduction to the book "Mice and Men" is very similar to the pictures we analyzed in class. Above it talks about two men who were walking through a path, and come close to a body of water. It describes these men as men who wore black hats and denim trousers and coats with brass buttons. As we all know, no one wears those kind of clothes any more. And it states that the men had blanket rolls slung over their shoulders maybe showing us that they were probably walking for a long time, and they're taking a trip somewhere. This passage perfectly relates to a photo that we analyzed in class as well. It was a photo of a man wearing all black, he was walking by himself with a pack on his shoulders as well. This description along with the photos show that the life in the 1930's may have been close, but it was a time of hard work. From the passage above and the photos in class, the characters shown appeared to be individuals that work hard and still dont seem to get anywhere. It describes the 1930's as a place where there wasnt much profit to give the people that worked, and it displayes that our ancestors had to work hard to get us to where we are now. We are pretty lucky to have life as we have it now, if we didnt we would have to be forcing ourselves to do the hard labor that they did for many years.
For your convinience: Life in the 1930's