Thursday, February 28, 2013

Chapter 3 Notes

     What impacted me the most in this whole chapter was on page 39 when Slim and George are talking with each other, and Slim mentions that Lennie is not bright at all but he could work. It impacted me because it should that even though Lennie may not be bright or smart he sure does know how to do what he is supposed to. I believe that because Lennie works so well he can get more in life than George can. All Lennie has to do is be told what to, and he could do an outstanding job. Compared to Lennie, George is a very small man who only seems to have sense. Later on in the page George doensn't consider himself as smart as everybody thinks he is. He says that if he was so smart he would have his own house, job, and family if he was so smart. I think that Lennie and George can't live without each other because what one has the other one lacks. Its almost as if George was only considered smart next to his partner, Lennie. I think this relationship that Lennie and George have affects the way their lives will develope later. Without each other there really isn't a story to be told and it is a good way to show a loyalty of friends.

       In the chapter, it explains why Lennie and George had started their trip and had to find a new job. But I was wondering about a few parts in the story that might change everything. It says that Lennie was accused of  "raping" a woman who he had been working with. He had just wanted to touch the dress and it ended up that he had gotten scared and couldn't let go of the dress, getting Lennie in a lot of trouble. It also states that the authorities had sent out a group to find Lennie and lynch (catch) him. But I am wondering is that why they ended up moving jobs? Can't the party team find Lennie and arrest both him and George for running away? Does Lennie ever think that he might have ruined everything for George, know that he has to take care of him? These things confuse me and hopefully they are answered later in the future. I dont really understand why Lennie couldn't let go of the dress knowing that the woman was screaming because of that.

     With the last event that happened in the chapter, Lennie's life is sure to change. In the last few pages Curley had been fighting with Lennie, but Lennie wasn't doing anything back to Curley. So at last minute Lennie grabs Curley and lifts him up into the air, holding his arm very tight. When George finally tells Lennie to stop it ends up that he really hurt Curley's arm and that he needed to go to the hospital. In the future I dont think that Lennie is going to get fired. I just believe that Lennie is going to get moved into another facility without George. And later on in the story i think that Curley will try to get revenge on Lennie, but not by beating him up. I just think that it's going to be something so big that Lennie will have to run away from that job and hide in the bush; to wait for George.

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