Thursday, March 7, 2013

Chapter 6 Notes

     The part I notice in this chapter was the fact that the author decided to end the story somewhat similar to the beginning of the story. The story begins with Lennie and George by the bush, and they are both talking about the day they would be able to live on their own farm and not have to worry about debts and belonging to anyone. "Lennie said, Tell how its gonna be George" (105). The whole book begins with the fact that Lennie wanted to be told about their dreams in the future. I believe this was a great way to end the book, and I dont think anyone should change a thing. It gave more meaning and more feeling to that moment, it made me, as a reader, realize that Lennie wasn't going to make it in the world with the condition he was living in. Lennie's fate was to die, though it was going to be tradgic, it was going to change George's life forever maybe in good ways and maybe in bad ones.

       After reading this last chapter, and reading the details on how George killed Lennie, I believe that George is going to have a harder life without his old partner. For years, Lennie and George have been together, through bad and good, they were like brothers, nothing could seperate them. But now that George killed Lennie, I think that George is going to have a really hard time getting back on his feet, and to forget about his partner. I believe his life is going to be filled with guilt. In the beginning of the book it explains that George had promised Aunt Clara to take care of her nephew, and now he is going to have to live with the fact that instead of protecting him he had broken the promise and killed him. Though George may struggle badly, I know he would be okay with his actions because he did them for good.

       Now that Lennie has unfortunatley died, I wonder what is going to happen back at the ranch. So many things have changed since that one afternoon. Do you think that George will get punished for Lennie's wrong doing? Do you think that George will move ranches and actually get the little house with old Candy? All these questions pop to my head when i think about George's future. Do you think that George will become someone higher in the job now that he's got Lennie out of the way?

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