Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Chapter 1 notes

       While reading through this story I realized one of the most important themes in life, "Be loyal to the ones you love." In the story Lennie and George have this very nice relationship as friends. Without eachother they wouldnt be able to survive where they are now. Lennie and George sometimes dont get along and they fight alot but all in all they come together as brothers and work through it. When George starts to insult Lennie about how he behaves Lennie begins to take offense to what he is saying and starts to threaten him to leave. When George finally realizes what he is saying he starts to say sorry and that he shouldnt think about leaving because they could not go on without each other. George takes responsibility for Lennie like if he was his older brother and sometimes he doesnt really understand how different Lennie can be from other people. But through everything they both end up coming back together as a family, and comfort each other once again.

       Seeing the relationship that George and Lennie have with each other it reminds me of the relationship my sister and I have. I can't live without her, she is the only sister I have. Sometimes we can both me mean to each other and say some things that we could regret in the future, but that all has to do with being responsible for a sister, brother, friend, companion. In the chapter, it's shown that Lennie and George are alone and all they have is each other, no one else, so they had to cooperate with themselves. Me and my sister have that kind of relationship, we are not that close, but when we are in trouble, I have no doubt that my sister wont be there for me.

       In the chapter one Lennie and George, 2 men, are together trying to look for a job and they end up high in the mountains , some place bare. The way the chapter tells the story about the men, it looks like they are very close. But the only problem is that the story doesnt say if Lennie and George were related in anyway; such as brothers, cousins, or just close friends. I think this matters because it could change the way they behave with each other in the woods, and it could change the outcome of the story in general. The story makes the characters seem really close, because George doesn't see Lennie as anything else but his responsibility.

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